Earlier today a fire and subsequent explosion occurred on a supplier truck delivering liquid oxygen (used for bleaching) to the Sappi Saiccor Mill in Umkomaas, KwaZulu-Natal.
In a tragic turn of events, six brave employees of Farmusa Contracting (Farmusa), a contractor to Sappi Forests for firefighting and silviculture services, lost their lives earlier today.
Sappi has again achieved the highest platinum level in EcoVadis’ sustainability rating across all three of its manufacturing regions – Europe, North America, and South Africa.
With its silky top surface, enhanced stiffness, boosted bulk, bright white finish, and outstanding printing and finishing properties, Algro Volume combines strength, functionality and printability, all in a single package.
Fire season predictions equip forestry industry with more resilience. It’s been an eventful year since the Sappi Chair in Climate Change and Plantation Sustainability was launched at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). As we celebrate another World Environment Day on 05 June the Forestry team at Wits reflects on a year of significant progress, characterised by collaboration and dialogue.