FAQ - Recycling and its importance

What are biodegradable products?

Biodegradable products are products that are capable of being completely decomposed by bacteria or other biological means. Generally speaking,  paper is fully biodegradable, leaves no toxic residue in the soil or water and biodegrades within four months in sea water conditions. It is important to note that biodegradation only happens if the conditions are right.

Why is it so important to recycle?

First of all, recycling is environmentally responsible:

The number one reason to recycle paper and board is to avoid the generation of greenhouse gases in landfills. Here’s why:

Most waste goes to landfill and this is what happens: When solid waste is first deposited in a landfill, it undergoes an aerobic (with oxygen) decomposition stage when little methane is generated. Then, typically within less than one-year, anaerobic conditions are established and methane-producing bacteria begin to decompose the waste and generate methane. We’re all worried about the negative impacts of carbon dioxide (CO2) on the world’s climate, but methane is a potent greenhouse gas 28 to 36 times more effective than CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere – also known as the greenhouse effect – over a 100-year period.

Landfill space

We’re running out of landfill space in South Africa. In South Africa, our population is growing and South Africans dispose of enough municipal solid waste to fill an entire football field 10 metres deep, every day. Every single person of our total population of 57 million generates up to 2,5 kilograms of waste per day, on average, depending on their level of income.

    Landfill Space
    Also, we’re running out of landfill space in South Africa. In South Africa, our population is growing and South Africans dispose of enough municipal solid waste to fill an entire football field 10 metres deep, every day. Every single person of our total population of 57 million generates up to 2,5 kilograms of waste per day, on average, depending on their level of income.

    Recycling is socially responsible:

    It’s difficult to give a definitive figure for the number of informal waste collectors in South Africa, but most estimates give a number of around 90,000 – 100,000 people. In a country that has such high levels of poverty, this represents an important avenue for poverty alleviation and income generation.

    Why is the renewability and biodegradability of paper and board so important?

    Unlike most other materials, especially other materials used for packaging, most paper isn’t only reusable and recyclable, it’s also completely renewable. Plastic, nylon, polystyrene and other similar materials are made from petrochemicals, and the crude oil  from which they’re derived can never be replaced.
    The woodfibre needed for papermaking can be cultivated to meet ongoing needs. Trees also produce life-giving oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, one of the most common greenhouse gases contributing to climate change.

    What’s more paper and board are mostly biodegradable – important in the light of global attention about the impact of plastics on the world’s oceans.  In many instances, plastic and polystyrene aren’t biodegradable, they’re photodegradable. That means, when it’s exposed to sunlight, they get broken down into smaller and smaller pieces. These pieces never biodegrade, though, and stay in the environment indefinitely.

    The table below shows how long products take to degrade in seawater. Some paper products biodegrade in as little as two weeks; most biodegrade in less than two months.

    Source: Pocket Guide to Marine Debris, The Ocean Conservancy, 2005, based on research conducted by the Mote Marine Lab.


    What do South Africa’s paper recovery statistics look like?

    South Africa’s paper recycling rate tipped the scales at 1.3 million tonnes in 2017. This tonnage represents 70% of the 1.8 million tonnes of paper available for recovery. It excludes books, archived records, and unrecyclable paper like toilet tissue.

    What is Sappi’s position on recycling?

    Paper and paperboard are recovered for reuse at very high rates compared to other valuable materials such as plastics and metals. Our coated papers can and should be recycled. Sappi is a strong advocate for recycling and waste minimisation of all valuable material types, and we encourage our customers, suppliers and community partners to promote recycling and to themselves recycle as much, as often and as responsibly as they can.

    An innovative solution for the circular economy

    Packaging for the food industry that meets stringent health and safety standards and that is also recyclable is a longstanding challenge. Sappi has been working with leading consumer brand owners to develop and supply renewable paper-based packaging solutions by understanding and supporting the goals of making their packaging recyclable without compromising on food protection and shelf life.

    One example of this is the Sappi Guard range of products. These innovative papers for flexible packaging come with integrated barriers against oxygen, water vapour, grease, aroma and mineral oil. Thanks to the integrated barriers, there is no need to apply special coatings or laminations. The work was enabled by Sappi’s 2017 acquisition of barrier film technology company Rockwell Solutions.

    We used this technology when we worked with a global fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) company and a specialist flexible packaging converter to develop the wrapper for a new confectionery snack bar. The launch of the new snack bar highlights the benefits of collaboration across the value chain in a focused effort to increase the use of recyclable packaging made from renewable woodfibre.

    What is Sappi doing about recycling paper and board?

    We use recovered board and paper to supplement virgin fibre in the papermaking process. Sappi ReFibre has developed an outsourced business model that enables us to not only recycle large volumes of paper, but also benefits members of the informal sector. This aligns with our focus on shared value, whereby we promote win-win partnerships with entrepreneurs and communities.

    In FY2019, Sappi  ReFibre:

    • Sourced 126,995 tons of recovered cardboard boxes to a value of R211 million from 70 individual recycling companies
    • Continued with the shift in focus established in 2018 to focus more intensively on SMME development
    • Helped 11 SMME start-up recycling companies, spending ZAR4.9 million on the acquisition of baling equipment.

    Supplier Development Awards
    The Sappi ReFibre division were recognised among the country’s leading teams at the Absa Business Day Supplier Development awards in 2019. They were announced runners-up in three categories (the Nation Builder award, Impact award and the Overall Winner award).

    Which Sappi mills in South Africa use recovered paper and cardboard to manufacture what type of products?

    Ngodwana and Tugela Mills have waste plants which treat recovered board and paper for the manufacture of linerboard and fluting for onward conversion into cartons and boxes.

    How does Sappi maintain the Chain of Custody process?

    Chain of Custody is important because it ensures a sustainable supply chain as set out in our Wood, Pulp and Reclaimed Material Sourcing Policy: Reclaimed paper material is sourced and separated into pre- and post-consumer material and the Chain of Custody maintained throughout the sourcing and logistics supply process to our receiving mills.


    How many times can paper be recycled?

    At Sappi we have production processes that enable us to use not only new or virgin fibre, but also fibre derived from recycled paper. This means we can reuse the original fibre up to seven times. Some the papers we produce in South Africa also contain bagasse (sugar cane waste fibre).

    How does Sappi reduce, reuse and recycle in other ways?

    •Globally most of Sappi’s solid waste generated is in the form of bark. In all regions, this is used as a fuel for onsite energy generation. In South Africa bark is also used for composting and landfill stabilisation.
    •Sludge is the solid residue recovered from the wastewater stream of the pulping and papermaking process. It is combusted for energy production in each region,
    •Lime is used by farmers as a soil enhancer.
    •At some mills, tall oil, a by-product of the kraft pulping process, is sold to convertors as a renewable chemical raw material and used to make detergents, lubricants and paint additives.
    •Lignosulphonate is recovered from the effluent stream. Its binding, dispersing, emulsification and sequestration properties make it useful for a range of applications including dust suppression, concrete additives, pelleting agents in animal feeds and mineral granulation aids to name a few.
    •Used oil is dewatered, chemically treated, refined and filtered for reuse in various grades of base oils.
    • At Saiccor Mill, instead of sending boiler ash to landfill, we are giving it away to blockmakers, who use it to make construction blocks. We have also given the blockmakers environmental training and have built concrete slabs for some to enable their legal environmental compliance

    What types of paper, packaging and board can and can’t be recycled?

    •Used office paper such as envelopes, gift wrap, computer paper, old invoices and documents printed on white office paper
    •Magazines, newspapers, books, telephone directories, flyers, posters and pamphlets
    •Corrugated and cardboard boxes, such as shoe boxes and boxes used to package office supplies and equipment.
    •Long-life beverage packs, which are made from paper but are lined with foil and plastic (There are two mills in Gauteng, South Africa who can recycle these products)

    •Laminated or waxy paper or cartons (except in certain instances)
    •Soiled paper plates and paper cups
    •Sweet and chip wrappers
    •Cigarette ends
    •Carbon paper
    •Stickers or ‘post-it’ notes
    *Used cotton wool, make up pads and wipes

    How do I reduce, reuse and recycle?

    • Reduce the amount of consumables and resources that you use. For example, you could reduce the amount of travelling you do by car or opt for fresh foods instead of pre-packaged foods.
    • Reuse as many items as you can, as this keeps them out of the waste stream and reduces the amount of waste that needs to be processed. Reusing manufactured materials and containers is a discipline that was second nature to our parents and grandparents, and is one that we all need to develop again. Making use of reusable shopping bags instead of buying disposable bags every time you shop is one way of reusing. Another way is to repair appliances and upgrade computers instead of replacing them.
    • Recycle by sending as much of the waste generated in your home or office for recycling as possible. You can recycle paper, glass and cans, as well as certain kinds of plastic and metal. Sort them out when you dispose of them to make it easier for recyclers. Specialist recycling facilities deal with items such as computers, ink cartridges and compact fluorescent bulbs.