
With a crucial new year for the paper industry underway, we share a conversation between Marco Eikelenboom – Sappi Europe CEO and chairperson of Cepi, the European association that represents the European pulp and paper industry – and Sarah Price, Sappi’s Director Sustainability and the outgoing chair of cross-industry sustainability alliance 4evergreen.
gratkorn biomas
A new biomass feed has come into operation at Sappi’s Gratkorn mill in Austria, marking the latest step in our Europe-wide decarbonisation journey
Khulisa visit
It was an eye-opening, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for two Sappi Khulisa growers to attend a green technologies-focused forestry training programme in China recently. This initiative, organised by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform, and Rural Development (DALRRD), aimed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to align their agricultural practices with global sustainability and food security goals.
Here’s why the circular economy is good for business
These days, everyone seems to be talking about the circular economy and its importance in the battle against climate change, resource scarcity and pollution. Now it’s time for business leaders to truly embrace the commercial benefits of a system that uses recycling and reuse to keep materials in circulation for as long as possible, says Misa Bursac, VP Innovation and R&D at Sappi Europe.
How can we solve the problems that come with our addiction to consumer convenience
How can we solve the problems that come with our addiction to consumer convenience
Rural women sitting on logs
Rural Women Sustaining Nature for Our Collective Future: Building climate resilience, conserving biodiversity, and caring for land.
The traditional medicine trade in South Africa is worth a whopping R2.9 billion each year, making up 5.6% of the National Health budget.
Diversity and inclusion group
We’re unlocking the power of trees to make every day more sustainable.
Sappi launched its #EmpowerHer netball programme in its neighbouring communities to coincide with Women’s Month in South Africa this year.
At Sappi, we’re on a journey to build a thriving world by unlocking the power of renewable resources to benefit people, communities and the planet. It’s a journey that’s about far more than our products. It’s also about our people and creating a workplace that’s genuinely diverse, equitable and inclusive.
