Participating countries: France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Spain and Switzerland.
The European Sappi Cup final took place in Brussels on 25 April 2019.
Congratulations to all players! The three winning teams won a ticket to the 2019 UEFA Champions League Final in Madrid, Spain on 01 June 2019.
By then, you can find pictures of our 2019 winners (below from left to right) and more pictures of the final 2019 European Sappi Cup Final by clicking here.
1 - Alberto Masseroni and Fabio Nalin, Arti Grafiche Nalin, Italy
2 - Antoine Blondel and Adrien Capelle, Imprimerie de la Centrale, France
3 - Stefan Blättler and Pascal Mathez, Brüggli Medien, Switzerland