

Sustainable woodfibre solutions
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Unlocking the power of trees to make every day more sustainable
Sustainable woodfibre solutions
Renewable alternatives to plastic
Innovative ideas and products
Sustainable woodfibre solutions
Renewable alternatives to plastic
Innovative ideas and products

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We stand for health and safety always. Learn about the steps we're taking to protect our communities from COVID.


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Insights and stories

Insights and stories

Explore our industry perspectives, innovative products and focus on sustainability.

Product information

We build everyday solutions from the power of woodfibre.

Product information

Product information
Papers and packaging

Our wide range of versatile surfaces and premium papers make any project exceptional.


Our renowned dissolving and marketed pastes offer a sustainable and versatile approach to creating a better future.


Our engineering breakthroughs combat fossil fuel-based solutions with sustainable fibre alternatives.


Our raw materials come directly from our responsibly managed forests and plantations.

We build everyday solutions from the power of woodfibre.

Integrity. Courage. Speed.

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Integrity. Courage. Speed.

At Sappi, we make smart decisions and products backed by our long history of innovation. Our steadfast values are underprinned by an unrelenting focus on and commitment to safety.

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Contact us

Contact us
Learn about product availability, partnerships, and more

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