We strive to create an environment where every employee is treated with respect regardless of age, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or any other social factor. But we don't just say it—we've put in place several measures to make sure we're a diverse, leading-edge business.
Diversity awareness training and personal development
Our managers participate in labour relations training, which has a focus on diversity. We are also dedicated to developing potential and current employees from diverse backgrounds through our internal talent management process. This includes performance management and development, coaching and mentoring, and succession planning—where potential employees are identified and their development is fast-tracked.
Ensuring that our diverse talent is strategically managed means our employees can improve skills, learn more and be given an opportunity to fulfil their full potential.
A diverse, transformed workplace is more successful. It makes sense: ask a team of individuals from the same ethnic group with similar backgrounds to solve a problem and more often than not, they’re likely to come up with the same solution. Research shows that diverse teams are as much as 158% more likely to understand their targeted consumers when they have at least one member who represents their target’s gender, race, age, sexual orientation, or culture. When a workforce reflects the racial/ethnic diversity of its consumer base, employee productivity increases. Research also shows that diversity of thinking enhances innovation by about 20%.