​Sappi Forests

Sappi Forests own and lease 401,000 hectares (ha) of land, of which 262,000 ha is planted and 139,500 ha is unplanted natural areas set aside and maintained to conserve the natural habitat and biodiversity found there, following best practice principles. All our land – including the 139,500 ha managed for biodiversity conservation – is FSC™ (FSC™ N003159) and PEFC (PEFC/01-44-43) certified.

We have identified investment in low-cost wood as both a growth driver and a strategic resource to supply our operations and to secure our margins in competitive commodity markets, such as dissolving pulp (DP). To this end, we continue to work with local government and communities to accelerate afforestation in KwaZulu-Natal and the northern region of the Eastern Cape. This development not only provides one of the only sources of income and jobs to these local communities but will also secure valuable hardwood timber resources close to our Saiccor Mill in KwaZulu-Natal.

In addition to Sappi’s own plantation area, we continue to identify ways to ensure access to pulpwood in the wood baskets close to our key operations, by means of land or timber delivery swaps.

The plantation industry in South Africa faces an increasing threat from pests and diseases. Sappi Forests, a leader in research and development (R&D), continues to mitigate these risks through improved site species matching, the deployment of improved genetic planting stock and the introduction of specific hybrids from our conventional breeding programmes.

The state-of-the-art Clan Nursery, with a capacity of 17 million cuttings (vegetatively propagated plants), and the Ngodwana Nursery, provide Sappi Forests with the required facilities to rapidly deploy the improved genetic planting stock to mitigate these threats.

Sappi’s activities offer the rural poverty areas in South Africa an economic life line. One of the ways we promote prosperity in the broader community is through Sappi Khulisa (previously known as 'Project Grow'), a community tree farming project which has successfully uplifted impoverished communities in KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape.

You can watch the Sappi Khulisa video here.

Our objective is to provide consistent and clear guidelines and assistance to Sappi’s contracted growers, to ensure the sustainable development and protection of our forests for future generations. Sappi’s ‘Tree Farming Guidelines for Private Growers’ cover topics such as species selection and planting through to harvesting and extraction, and also provide much-needed information on fundamental issues such as safety and proper planning and scheduling processes.

The manual is divided into four sections and the different chapters in each section can be downloaded in PDF-format by clicking on the relevant links below. A copy of the guidelines is also available free of charge on CD-ROM. Please e-mail your request for a free copy to TreeFarming@sappi.com and include your postal address in the email.

If you're a private grower, Sappi is here to support you. Get our guides to learn best practices and tips of the trade.

Obtenez davantage de renseignements sur le Comité exécutif de Sappi Afrique australe.

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La technologie est au cœur de nos activités; découvrez comment nous réalisons des progrès et des découvertes qui transforment notre quotidien.
Le service Research, Planning and Nurseries de Sappi permet l’approvisionnement rentable et durable en ressources forestières adaptées à l’entreprise.

Sappi ReFibre est la division de fibres recyclées de Sappi Afrique australe et est chargée du recyclage du papier et des produits en papier usagés.

Les progrès en matière de transformation du bois suivent la trajectoire d’une économie fondée sur les produits biologiques à base de matériaux renouvelables et biodégradables et qui ne mettent pas en péril les sources de nourriture.