We have access to 516,000 hectares plantations, of which approximately 379,000 hectares are owned or leased, and 129,000 hectares are contracted supply. We are mindful of our responsibility to the natural resources on which our business depends. Our plantations mitigate global warming by absorbing carbon: during photosynthesis trees use energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into organic compounds essential for their growth, storing carbon and releasing oxygen in the process. Without this vital daily exchange, life on earth would simply not be possible. All our owned and leased plantations are 100% FSC®-certified.
Biodiversity is key to the healthy functioning of our plantations which would not be productive without biotic processes taking place. The vitality of our stands of trees is dependent on biological processes such as soil regeneration, nutrient cycling, pollination, decomposition and predator prey relationships. In addition, the landscapes we grow trees in rely on biological processes to function. Approximately one third of our landholdings are managed for biodiversity conservation.