
Paper isn’t the most important thing on your mind. You’re looking for a smart, comprehensive solution that meets all of your print campaign needs.

That’s why we’ve engineered Opus for maximum impact across an extended range of weights and finishes. The perfect balance of shade and brightness makes your brand jump off the page. Opus also has tighter tolerance standards than any of its competitors—and when your canvas is consistent, what you print stays consistent. Opus always delivers striking, reliable performance to meet the needs of any integrated marketing campaign.

1. One big happy family.

Opus offers the broadest range of weights and finishes across sheet, web and digital formats. The family tree includes Opus PS, a solution optimized for direct mail—with superior glueability, fold-ability and caliper guarantees for predictable postage costs—and Opus Digital, which is optimized to perform across digital printing platforms. With unrivaled versatility, Opus delivers the right impression on multiple touchpoints.

2. Striking the right balance.

Think of Opus as the happy marriage of opposites. On one side, shade determines how evenly light reflects from a surface. A neutral shade provides a full, balanced gamut of light, which can come at the cost of crisp, intense color. On the other side, brightness gives vibrancy and pop, but this can come at the cost of shifting some pastels and warmer tones to a bluer shade. Opus perfectly balances the two, delivering a full range of dynamic color—the perfect marriage to make your brand look its best.

3. Confidence comes standard.

Opus has the tightest tolerance standards of any premium paper in its category, delivering minimal variability within and across runs. Nothing else in the industry even comes close. Now that inspires confidence.

Designed to perform everywhere, Opus Sheets is capable of carrying an entire campaign.

Available In:

  • Glänzend
  • Dull
  • Matte

Versatility is power. Opus Web provides quality and efficiency, allowing you to create fully realized pieces with no wasted effort.

Available In:

  • Dull
  • Glänzend
  • Matte
  • Satin

Highly customizable and able to perform on a range of machines, Opus Digital caters to the depth and breadth of your campaign.

Available In:

  • Glänzend
  • Dull

When it comes to direct mail, Opus PS delivers. Made with mail in mind, Opus PS meets the needs of nearly any campaign.

Available In:

  • Glänzend
  • Dull
  • Matte