Because working with, and investing in, our local communities leads to sustainable, long-term partnerships. The Gratkorn mill covers an area the equivalent of 106 football pitches – which means a lot of neighbours! It’s also one of the largest employers in the region.
With such a large site, we have to be very conscious of the potential impact that the mill’s industrial
processes may cause, especially in relation to noise and light emissions. To ensure a high level of interaction with the local community about any potential issues, Sappi launched the “Sappi = your neighbour” programme.
By creating effective channels of communication, the programme has helped nurture acceptance, trust and an overall understanding about what we do. Perception has improved and we have received constructive suggestions from our neighbours. Not a single objection was registered in our last Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). For us, it’s a great example of true partnership in action, with benefits for all.
I make Sappi eco-effective. How about you?
Christian Jeran, Authority and Property Affairs, Gratkorn Mill.